FREE Holly Meadows iPhone App

Holly Meadows School

Life at Holly Meadows School Life at Holly Meadows School Life at Holly Meadows School

Wrap Around Care


BREAKFAST CLUB - 7.45 - 8.40 am - £3.50 per session (Staff: Mrs Nelson, Miss Lake, Ms Staff)

AFTERSCHOOL CLUB (1) - 3.15 - 4.15 pm - £3.50 per session (Staff: Mrs Nicholls, Mr Wightman, Miss Key, Ms Staff, Miss Lake) 

AFTERSCHOOL CLUB (2) - 3.15 - 5.45 pm - £8.00 per session (Staff: As above)

AFTERSCHOOL CLUB (3) - 4.15 - 5.45 pm - £5.00 per session (For after extra-curricular clubs only) (Staff: As above)

Click to view: REGISTRATION BOOKING FORM - Please complete and return to the school office prior to booking wraparound care

Click to view:  Wrap Around Care Policy - Please read for further information

Parent App Overview - online payment information - please note: once registered please use the website version of Pupil Asset

We offer child-led play with options of lego and other construction toys, colouring and drawing, jigsaws, board games and crafts